Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rock Types

 Rock Cycle

Rocks occur naturally and are composed of minerals. Rock is natural process, Its transform by five type of rock, Its magma, igneous rock, sediments, sedimentary rock, and metamorphic rock. All types of rock change in Rock Cycle. Magma cooling and crystallization form igneous rocks. Igneous rock is solidification by the hard soild of molten magma, Igneous rock by weathering and erosion to be sediment. sediment are deposition like piece of rock, sand or dirt after compaction and cementation it become sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock formed consolidated sediments, after heat and pressure sedimentary become metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rock is change by pressure and heat, after these metamorphic rock melting become magma. And those rock, cycle again and agin.


Metamorphic Rock -Rock change by heat and pressure.

Magma - molten rock found in the inside of the volcano.

Solidification - Something becoming hard or solid by cooling and drying.

Igneous Rock- Rock make by the hard solid of molten magma.

Weathering -  breaking rock into pieces (wind, water)

Erosion - worn away and transported.

Sediments - Piece of rock like sand, dirt ect

Compation - pushes together sediments
Cementation - Stick together.
Sedimentary Rock - Rock formed from consolidated sediments.

Rock types

Igneous Rock intrusive - inside of the volcano with big crystals.

Igneous Rock extrusive -  outside of the volcano with small crystals.

Sediemtary Rock classtic - dirty of rock

Sedimentary Rock crystaline - fromed under water

 Sedimentary Rock bioclasstic - plant and animal die in grand by cooling change to rock.

Metamorphic Rock Foliated - have line or layer
Metamorphic Rock non foliated - didnt have line or layer.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Crystal & Minerals


We learned that crystal growth in earth science class we were learned two types of crystals, frist we created a saturated solution by mixing minerals with water. We do the halite and epsomite. frist we put amout of halite in the a vessal with some water put on a heater, when it gotting heat we put in amout of halite into the vessal and used stick to mix it with the water. When the heat melting halite we keep put halite into it. After that we put it next by the window and waiting it cooling and cement, then minerals growth be crystal. We was doing same as epsomite.


Mineral Properties:

Color- The color of the mineral when you look at it.

In this mineral, it color is purple.

Streak- The the color of the powder a mineral gives when scratched on a streak plate .

Metallicof luster- Minerals that look like metal.

     Non-Metallic of luster- Minerals didn't look like metal.
      Cleavage- break in evenly .

  Fracture- break in unevenly.
     Hardness - a scale 1-10, the hardest mineral to the softest mineral.

    Composition- chemical formula of mineral

  Mineral Identification :

luster: non metallic
streak: colorless
color: white
Composition: Fe3AI2SiO12

it break in facture


luster: non metallic
streak: colorless/ white
color: white
Composition: Mg3Si4O10(OH)2

It break in cleavage

Friday, October 12, 2012

IT's me!

Science is must pass through the road of life.

I like shopping & eat when i was free,

Cockroach and snake scares me.

Anything could be my favorite food with out too much sweet.

I will be a boss of pet shop when i grow up .

I have 1 siblings.

My favorite color is pink and black.

My favorite to do is watch movies.

Watch for dog.

I wish I can pass all of regents and SAT.