Thursday, March 21, 2013


            In this project I learned a lot, they all related to plate tectonics. In our earth there are 4 layers, they are crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. The layer that under our food is crust, we step on the land which is continental crust. Continental crust also is the place that human lives. Oceanic is the plate under the ocean, fish lives in ocean, continental and oceanic like two separated family. Long time ago some one names  Alfred Wegener discover that the land are together and moving then separated which is plate tectonics. But in that time no one believe him they thought this man are crazy. But I don't! I believe this man. there's some evidence that support the earth is moving and they were Pangaea.
             Continental drift is a theory that all continents are together to form a Pangaea in Ancient time. But after he deed scientists found out that Alfred Wegener is right and some evidences to prove it. They found out that the continent are matching to each other and they can find the same fossil in different plate, not only the fossil they also find some land from for example they found out that the mountain are match to other plate, some variety of flowers or tree they can find in the matching plate that support the plate is moving. Also in today the plate still moving. 

             In the earth there also have plate boundaries they are divergent, convergent and transform. Those three boundaries could as evidences that the plates are moving. Convergent plate boundary is when 2 plates come together which usually create mountains/mid-ocean ridges. When it created mountain that can prove the plate are moving because we can see mountain every where for example Himalaya's mountain in India is when two continental came together created. Divergent plate boundary is when the plate fall apart which create rift valley,in the earth we also can find a lot valley. Transform plate boundary create earthquake,earthquake happens because that the land is moving when it meet other plate it getting harder and then shake. As result  this three types of plate boundaries proved the plate tectonics.
             In today 
earthquake is happening in the world that it is the movement of the land. Earthquake cause by plate boundary movement convergent or transform boundaries. There are 3 types of waves that are P, S, L-waves. P-wave is when land moves right and left, S-wave is when the land moves up and down, L-wave is when the land moves in all; P-wave is the fastest, L-wave is slowest but the most dangerous because it created more dangerous for human, it can destroyed house or building easily. Those earthquake waves bring disaster in our lives but also can prove the plate are moving everyday because it still happen in every day every year.
             I agree that plate tectonics because in the world always earthquake the most happen in Japan because there are the continental and oceanic trench. I also believe the discover of 
 Alfred Wegener because after his discover other scientist found same fossil in different plate. If the plate are not moving or the plate are not separated then why they can found those fossil? that doesn't make sense. So by those evidence i believe plate tectonic, plate are really moving. Let me make a prediction I predict that after 1000 year north America plate will meet with Asia plate, and Japan and other small island will gone by plate movement.
1.I enjoy the most in this project was the photographic because the photo let me know more about the world, it let me know how does the earthquake look like and tsunami looks like.
2.The most challenging part for me is the music video. because sometimes i don't really know what they sing about even has caption,some times it will confuse me.
3.The new skill that I learn in this project is to organize my time well because i am busy all the time.
4.I think I could do my Prezi better, because the internet really drive me crazy because I cant pull them to the place i want. 
5.If I could change some things, I would like to spend more time on my project because i want every thing be great, in this project i kind of mess up.